Lift it, Load it, Tie it, Tension it
Howard Material Handling Logo

General Services

If you need to Lift It, Load It, Tension It, or Tie It Howard Material Handling Ltd (HMH) can help. And that’s what we have been doing for almost 30 years.

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We provide a wide range of material handling products and services to an equally vast array of industries. The head hurts thinking about who we look after. So please do call us on 04 568 5889, or e-mail if you have some curly or unusual queries; as often customers come in and have unique material handling problems – which we’ll solve from our plethora of available options. Just think of the range of meaty material challenges: lifting a spherical stainless steel unit into a tight compact enclosure; hauling 20 T concrete slabs up the side of a 30 storey sky scraper, splicing gnarly, sea-worn 20 mm rope, designing a mobile winch to lift heavy deer carcasses up steep mountain slopes. But this is only a snippet. Our solutions are only limited to the creativity of your problems. Give us something to sort out – and let our creative juices flow.

Quick seamless procurement is a key service offering. Many of our clients know what they want – and when they contact HMH – they usually want it promptly. We hold good stock levels of key product lines – allowing our customers to complete their pressure job the same afternoon. So if the chain snapped or the hook got side swiped – we’ll try to fix it or replace it from stock on the shelf. More specialised product we can often source for delivery next day. Snap your fingers and we will jump. We can advise on your Height Safety requirements. Above our core product HMH can advise on the best basic harness for your own use. For more specialised height and safety environments our in-house expert Byron Cummins will be more than happy to advise, leveraging his many years in the Height Safety industry. We know that upside-down juggling on the side of the Majestic Tower needs a good safety harness and specially configured attachments.

HMH also has a full testing service – with a full Tensile Testing Machine – which can achieve a maximum load of 25 tonnes (245 kilonewtons), and is used for testing our range of chains. We are a member of L.E.E.N.Z and our testing involves a rigorous visual inspection prior to proof loading. All equipment is tested in accordance with the relevant National and International safety standards (at the specified rating above the Safe Working Load – SWL). If any repairs are needed they can be carried out at inspection time, and the damaged or worn out (condemned) goods can be disposed of by us or the customer. All tested products are stamped with date of certification and a formal test certificate mailed to the client. We can pick up and drop off your chain for testing if it.

Our true strength is our ability to customise our solution to your problem. What you Lift, Load, Tie or Tension we can advise on.

So call us on 04 568 5889, or send an e-mail to: Or text if it’s easier: Byron on: 021 1391337 Leave your name and contact details and we’ll contact you.
